Dienstag, 20. April 2010


Meet Oskar. Family dog and the craziest bitch you've ever seen. No, really. He is a weirdo, but we all love him a lot. He's 7 years old and has a heart problem and occasionally epileptic seizures. He hates strange men and some women, he dislikes kids and bikes. So men or kids on bikes are definitely on his shit list.

But he is handsome and cute and really, really an attention whore. He loves being petted and babied. When he doesn't get the attention he wants, he will whine and bug you repeatedly until you pet and talk to him.


He is also scared of thunderstorms and always comes into my room to hide under my desk on my lamb skin. He's a pussy.

He likes snow, but he hates water. When we have to wash him, he always looks like his world is ending and he won't set a paw into the bathroom.

Speaking of snow, I cannot believe I took these in January this year:




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